Milton Keynes: the Birth of a City
Creative historical film celebrating Milton Keynes 54th anniversary
Dates: 21 Jan -
Venue: Milton Keynes City Discovery Centre
Address: Alston Dr, , Milton Keynes, MK13 9AP
Map →

Milton Keynes is 54 on 23 Jan 2021! Watch our new film (made at the end of 2020, when we were 53) featuring a selection of key characters, in our interpretation of how things might have been! Join in with Fred Roche’s vision, build a Redway with Margaret Durbridge, chat to the Community Worker, meet a farmer, move into a new house, design Netherfield with Derek Walker, listen to someone from the Middle Ages and become a New Town Heritage Explorer! I was commissioned to create a film that incorporated animation, live action re-enacting and creative workshops.

Milton Keynes City Discovery Centre →
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